Building an effective website for your business


I'm not a web designer, but I play one on television. For years I have maintained my own corporate website because I like having control over the content and not having to rely on others to make updates. You should want a professional online presence for your business. Why? Potential customers now expect it. If you can't be found on the internet, you might not be found at all.

From working on my own website, I've learned the following things about building a website that attracts customers and traffic:

  • Clean but interesting design – A professional web design is a must for any business that wants to be taken seriously. Don't waste your time or money on a high school kid or a friend who took a "web design class" eight years ago. Professional designers are needed to give your site the right image. But you don't have to spend tons of money anymore to get good design. There are plenty of companies that sell professional templates that are easily modified for your needs.
