The easiest way to save $10 a month


Hey guys, do you want to cut your expenses? Would you like to put a quick $10 a month or more back into your budget? Do you want to simplify your life a little bit? If so, the answer is easy. Just shave your head!

Consider this: If you shave your head, you will no longer need to buy shampoo because you can wash your scalp with the same product(s) you use on your body. You will no longer have to pay anyone to cut or style your hair. Additionally, you gain productive time because hair washing is probably the most time-intensive personal care chore we have to do. You'll save yourself time, money and water. What could be more budget friendly and simple? I suggest that you could save $10 a month. I actually think the cost savings would be greater than that.

If you now wash your hair four times a week, by allowing five minutes for each hair wash, shaving your head could net you over 17 hours of productive time each year. You could then redirect that recovered time into income seeking pursuits. You'll never need to make an appointment with a barber, which saves you more time and eliminates that travel expense. Besides, many people find a man with a shaved head to be very sexy. What could be better than that? This same strategy would apply to women also, but the ladies who look good with shaved heads are very few and far between. So, if you're a female who might be considering this budget strategy, please do proceed with caution.
