Be healthy and save money with a walking challenge

walking desert
walking desert

It has become a summer tradition at my workplace to have a fitness challenge; last year we had a weight-loss challenge and this year we are focusing on walking. The whole idea is to get yourself in better shape by using the support of those you are around almost as much as your spouse.

The idea has received support from the higher-ups because healthier employees equal lower health care costs for the company. On an individual level you can also enjoy saving money just by being healthy.

This year's challenge lasts eight weeks and we have a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day, which translates into more walking for almost all participants. Walking to the store, the doctor, the movies and pretty much anyplace within a reasonable distance. Every time you walk somewhere you save money on gas which is tremendously helpful. To reach the 10,000 per day goal I need to walk an additional 1.5-2 miles per day, if I do this for the course of a month as a substitute for driving I'll save $10 in gas. Once you add the the support system and the financial incentive the walking challenge becomes a no-brainer for me.

If you can get enough people interested, your company or its insurer may even sponsor the challenge, though this will likely require the participation of 50% or more of your workforce. Are you working on getting healthy in order to save money on medical expenses? Have you found other areas of savings as well? Share your ideas and results with us!
