Donald Trump goes to Australia for $1.5 million


In what could probably be construed as an act of war, the United States is unleashing The Donald on the friendly folks from down under. This November, The Chump will be heading to Australia for a series of "Think Like a Billionaire" seminars

The Age
reports that while promoters declined to say how much Trump is being paid, his usual fee is somewhere in the $1.5 million per hour range. All of this raises an interesting question: What could Trump possibly have to say that's worth $1.5 million per hour? Perhaps he could put together a Power Point presentation on how he actually managed to lose an enormous amount of money operating a casino.

Apparently this is Trump's first visit to Australia. The visit could do wonders for diplomacy as those wonderful folks will now get some idea of what Americans have been putting up with for the past 62 years.

Perhaps we could threaten to send Trump to Iran -- that should put an end to the country's aggression in a hurry.
