LifeLock CEO Todd Davis interviewed on the Today Show


Todd Davis, the CEO of the oft-criticized LifeLock identity theft service, appeared on the Today Show to discuss the current lawsuit his company is facing. Todd claims that the hundred or so LifeLock customers who have been victims of identity theft, are huge fans of LifeLock since the service helped them recover from the theft. Tracy Coenen has been tracking the LifeLock debacle for a few weeks now reported yesterday that the lawyers for the class action lawsuit have a much different view of the million dollar guarantee, arguing it isn't even worth the paper it is printed on.

I don't think I am quite ready to sign up for a service which the CEO says is "pretty good" especially when it comes to identity theft. Especially when the company blames any failure on another company's failure to follow protocol, claiming no one can protect against that. Isn't that exactly what identity theft is, someone exploiting a failure somewhere in the system to make off with your identity? I think I'll take my chances with a paper shredder, e-billing and my own credit monitoring for now.

My favorite part of the video was Matt Lauer reporting that someone had taken out a drivers license with Todd Davis' social security number under the name Jabba T. Hutt!
