Save money shopping online with

cash is a search engine owned by Microsoft and they just rolled out a new program which provides great shopping comparisons and a discount in the form of cashback for using it to find products. The search engine calculates a "bottom line" price which includes shipping and tax minus the cashback amount. The amount of cashback varies from store to store, in a recent search I found cash back rates between 2 and 10% for technology items.

The inclusion of all fees in the pricing comparison including the discount empowers you to make the best decision without bothering to visit 15 different online venues and signing up for 10 different locations just to get the final price. Additionally since the cashback is handled by rather than the merchant you should be able to double up your discounts and use any current coupon codes to save even more. The one catch to the program is that you need to accrue $5 before you can cash out, but for anyone making technology purchases this shouldn't be an issue.

This cash back program is pretty nifty and while I don't plan on switching over to for my general search needs just yet, this offer combined with the "bottomline" shopping guide has already earned a bookmark. In my test search for a new monitor I was able to net 10% back and save $20 without any hassle and in just a few minutes. Any service which saves me cash this easily is well worth the addition to my set of shopping tools.
