IRS forgets children for 350,000 stimulus checks!


Many parents are going to be unhappy when they open up their stimulus check in the coming weeks and find that the IRS didn't include their children. Despite a government push for No Child Left Behind, the IRS left 350,000 or more families behind when it comes to the economic stimulus package. The good news is that the IRS has identified the problem and is taking steps to get new checks out to those affected.

The glitch was caused by paper filers not marking a certain box and also by errors in two commercial tax preparation programs. These issues human and computer, led the IRS calculations to miss the children when calculating the rebate amounts. Thankfully affected families do not need to take any action to get the rest of their stimulus package, the IRS will be mailing the additional check out in July.

This is likely to be a bummer to many people and I can see why this is annoying. Unfortunately the old adage, "garbage in, garbage out," applies to rebate processing as well. If you filed on paper and didn't check the box, be happy you get a second check in July. If you used one of the affected programs, live with the wait or email the company and ask for your money back. In the end I'd just be happy the tax software didn't make a bigger error setting you up for an audit!
