How to NOT become a millionaire


We see articles and tips on becoming a millionaire all over the place. We're advised to stop getting the daily latte, to cut down on eating out, and to start saving at least something out of each paycheck. Many of these suggestions are great and can get you on your way to building quite a nest egg.

But there's a flip side to that coin, and Kevin at No Debt Plan offers ten tips for those who want to avoid becoming a millionaire. He suggest things like not negotiating for a higher salary and not working hard to get a promotion or otherwise better yourself at work. I don't think that any of the items on the list are new, but I appreciate the clever spin he put on this much-discussed issue.

One of the best ways to avoid becoming a millionaire is habitually spending more than you earn. There's no time like the present to stop that kind of budget-busting behavior. Finances don't get any easier unless you're willing to reign in your spending and live within your means. You can't save anything if you're too busy spending it all (and more!).
