Sneaky money-saving tips for your kitchen: Better than Bullion


When you're trying to save money in the kitchen, one of the last things you want to see in a recipe ingredient list is chicken broth. That stuff is expensive. Sure, you can make it on your own if you've got some chicken parts and a couple hours to blow. One cheaper route is keeping a jar of "Better Than Bouillon" on hand. Basically it looks like a little jar of yellow chicken fat.

The name suggests it's meant as a substitute for bullion. But who uses bullion? It's a passable substitute for recipes that require chicken broth. Especially if the recipe is to only use a little broth and you have to buy a $4 container of it. Or if the recipe says to use broth or water, but you know how much better broth will make it taste. It can seem expensive -- $6 an up for 8 ounces--but it goes a long way.

I'm sure that for really important meals you'll want to buy or make real chicken broth. After all, they didn't name it "Better than Broth." But it's great to have the little jar around. And you will find yourself throwing it into a bunch of dishes that just need a little help. Even just a side of rice tastes better with it added. And Superior Touch, which makes "Better than Bullion" has vegetarian and even vegan options, too.
