Flash shopping sites: where bargains are a game!

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faek bags

Ready, Set, Shop! Fast paced and limited quantity sales are the new hotness when it comes to brand name luxury goods. Several sites have popped up recently to cater to bargain hungry consumers. These sites often send out alerts as emails and text messages when a new sale on Prada or Gucci gets kicked off. Just like in the wild, the fast are rewarded while the slow go home empty handed. Such is the nature of the high end online discount sales machine.

Flash sales or one item sale sites have been around for several years in the tech industry, Woot! for example which provides a one deal per day closeout pricing on technology items. Many of these discount luxury goods dealers heighten the elegance of purchasing from their online store by going members only. In several cases the only way to become a member is to know a member, adding to the exclusivity. Sites like Ideeli cash in on the shopping frenzy further by charging an additional $100 for exclusive access to text message alerts.

I wouldn't want to be standing in between a member of Gilt and her computer when her cell phone lights up with the deal of the day! While I enjoy the game that is presented by these one item or limited time discount sites I find that despite the multitude of offerings, I can never find what I am looking for. This is one area in which the clothing and accessories stores may have a hand up on the technology flash sales sites, with varied styles and items the selection may be broad enough to attract even demanding clientele. I guess when it comes down to shopping; it isn't what you know, but who you know!
