Win some spending money at Comic Wonder


I've written about this cool, cool site before.... Comic Wonder is the stand-up comedian wanna-be's dream. You tell a joke (yes, you have to tell it, can't type it up) and people can listen and rate your joke.

But even better than just having someone actually listen to your joke this time around, is the fact that you can win some cool stuff. Each week Comic Wonder gives away $50 plus cool prizes like a dog sweater or a can of Spam. And who can't use an extra $50? It might even help you partly fill your gas tank this week!

The fun behind the site is the competitive aspect of joke telling. It's no fun if you just type up a joke. And it's no fun telling your joke unless you're competing with others to tell the funniest joke. There is also a contest for the entire year. The 2008 Comic Wonder is going to win an even bigger pot of money and even cooler prizes! They haven't said exactly what the cash prize will be, but last year's winner took home $2,500. (Just for telling a joke? Yes!)

Go check it out and tell your joke! And you should also check out the joke from the 2007 Comic Wonder. Yes, I laughed out loud (really loud!) when I heard it.

Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, MBA, CFE performs fraud examinations and financial investigations for her company Sequence Inc. Forensic Accounting, and is the author of Essentials of Corporate Fraud.
