What do you see in those clouds? A giraffe? Or a Nike ad?


Is nothing sacred?

Madison Ave. apparently doesn't think so.

A special-effects entrepreneur has come up with a way to fill the sky with lush clouds as large as 4 feet across shaped like corporate logos, according to Wired. He calls them Flogos. Great. How clever.

Francisco Guerra, who's also a former magician, has developed a machine that produces tiny bubbles filled with air and some helium, forms the foam into shapes and pumps them into the sky.

You'd think a magician would know better. Aren't they supposed to hold the imagination sacred?

Naturally that biggest corporate dream maker - The Walt Disney Co. will use one of the machines next month to send clouds shaped like Mickey Mouse heads into the air at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla., Guerra told Wired.

After that, no doubt, the floodgates will be open. No more laying on a grassy knoll picking out whales and cars and palm tree-shaped clouds with your kids or partner. It'll be "Hey! It's Coke!" or, "Look Mommy, Apple Computers!"

May the winds of change blow fiercely.
