Top 10 jobs for riding out the recession
Money Magazine compiled a listing of the top ten jobs to have during a recession and thankfully I currently have one of the best jobs to hold during a recession. The list of recession resistant careers was determined using Bureau of Labor stats and Payscale experts and identifies white collar careers which for many different reasons will remain strong through an economic downturn.
I don't disagree that the careers they picked will be in high demand in the coming years, though there are a few you won't find me taking up anytime soon including "teacher". I don't feel like taking a job which may as well be subtitled miracle worker, due to "No Child Left Behind" goals and budget cuts just to get through a recession. Being an "Environmental Specialist" on the other hand sounds rather exciting; Smith, Josh Smith, Environmental Specialist!
I will be taking on another position in the fall as a college professor, furthering my ability to ride out a recession. As Money points out, being a nerd really does pay off! Though not everyone may consider it a career, I am surprised that entrepreneur didn't make the list. In tough times, new needs can be identified while cash strapped consumers are eschewing products which no longer fit their lifestyle.