Naming a company is not easy


AOL Money has compiled an impressive feature about many companies and products that were named for family members. In researching the topic, I came across a few companies that might have thought this through a bit further, including --

  • Davis Erection Co. (NE)

  • Madge Networks

  • Linoleum Dicks (CA)

  • Boxwell Brothers Funeral Homes (TX)

  • Juan More Taco (CA)

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

I also found some companies that might have benefited from adopting a family name instead of the one they chose.

  • Phartronics Engineering

  • McData Corp.

  • 2nd Century Communications

  • Salt and Battery Fish & Chips (Australia)

  • The Best Little Hairhouse in Gresham (Oregon)

  • Garden of Eat'n (TX)

  • Wok Around the Clock (Australia)

  • El Squid Roe (MX)

  • Dr. Sewer

  • The Men's Room

  • The Suffering Duck Restaurant

  • Mother Mousse

  • Citizen Canine (CA)

  • Daffy's Duct Shop

  • Lox Around the Clock

  • Skinderella Skin Care Products, Inc.

