Fat dog no more: phramapoochicals to the rescue


Is you dog overweight? Of course, you COULD cut back on his food, but that's not the American way. Pfizer has come out with a solution more in line with our way of thinking- doggy diet pills.

Slentrol is said to curb a dog's appetite and fat absorption so your favorite pup can once again fit into that size four sweater, all without the need for you to get off your ass couch and take it for a vigorous walk. I'd place a wager that Animal Planet will debut a show along the lines of Biggest Pooch Loser within the year.

Also in this week's Advertising Age is a story about the growth in refrigerated pet food. Building on the health food movement, FreshPet will be marketing two new brands of doggie grub, kept in the fridge section -- FreshPet Select and Deli Fresh. The American Pet Products Manufacturers Association estimates that 2008 U.S. pet food purchases will reach $16.9 billion.

This figure is higher than the gross domestic product of 94 of the world's countries.
