Before you sell your gold, read this


As Sarah blogged here earlier, many people are catching gold fever as the price of the metal exceeds $1,000 an ounce. Consider this, though; $1,000 gold may sound huge, but in 1980, gold peaked at almost $900 an ounce, which, in today's dollars, would be over $2,200. If there is going to be run on gold, I think the prices could go much higher, and I'd sit on my jewelry for a while yet. There's a reason dealers want your gold now; they think so too.

There are some other things you should know before forking over your bling.

You won't get $1,000 an ounce for your gold.

Gold is weighed in Troy ounces. One Troy ounce is about 10% heavier than our usual avoirdupois ounce, so you can't weight your gold on your kitchen scale without doing some fancy conversion. More and more, jewelers are adopting the metric system, and your haul may be expressed in grams. 31 grams make up a Troy ounce, so at $1,000, each gram represents a little over $32. You will not get $32 a gram for your gold, however. Any dealer will have to cover the cost of reclaiming your gold, with some profit for his time. Don't be surprised if the offer is half of that.

You don't own as much gold as may think you do.
