Ask me about getting out of debt

Lita Epstein
Lita Epstein

Are you struggling with high interest payments and want to find out the best strategies to get out of debt? Are you afraid of losing your home? Do you want to know how you can improve your credit score? Post any questions you have below and I'll answer as many as I can.

I'll introduce you to debt payoff strategies to help you get out from a mountain of debt or recommend a source you should ask for help. Don't just hide your head in the sand. Start to take charge of your financial future today!

Lita Epstein, MBA, has written more than 20 books on personal finance including "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your Credit Score" and "The 250 Questions You Should Ask to Avoid Foreclosure. This column is designed to provide information about getting out of debt that will be relevant to a large group of readers. If you require legal service or other expert assistance, please seek the services of a competent professional.
