Search for America's worst teachers


Well, it had to happen sometime. Following the success of America's Top Model, American Idol, and all the other star search shows, it was only a matter of time before someone went hunting for America's worst teacher. Unfortunately, however, this is one contest that won't be televised.

If you're like me, you probably remember the best teacher you ever had. You remember how she or he stayed after with you, put endless amounts of energy into getting you excited about your education, and generally did everything possible to make school seem less like a prison and more like an opportunity.

Still, for every George Washington, there's a Benedict Arnold and, just as night follows day, you probably had an equally memorable teacher from hell. You know the one: this is the teacher who berated you in front of everybody, gave you grades that were lower than your shoe size, and generally made every class period feel like an afternoon at the dentist. If you remember your worst teacher, now might be the moment to get your revenge. Rick Berman, a lobbyist and outspoken opponent of teaching unions, has announced a contest to determine America's ten worst educators. The finalists will each win $10,000, in return for which they will agree to resign. Presumably, this whole process will be followed by much merriment.
