Deals worth the wait: Hammacher Schlemmer Annual Sale


Some deals only come around once or twice a year, but offer savings that justify the wait. This post is part of our series on such 'don't miss' sales.

Those folks at Hammacher Schlemmer , the oldest continuously-published catalog in the U.S., are a little sneaky. Its "Rather Famous" Annual Sale is held annually all right, but several times a year. Still, it's easy to see why they would have multiple annual sales. You wouldn't want to wait 364 days to try to get some of these items. I sound like I'm on the payroll for them, but honestly, they do have some pretty unusual stuff, and claim that the sale price is up to 65% off.

Who wouldn't jump at the chance to buy a water-repellent goat suede blazer at $249.95, 50% off its normal price? Or an Italian Merino Ruffled Cape for $69.95, a savings of $90? For the vegan, how about a set of Lincoln Logs (invented by Frank Lloyd Wright's son, by the way) at $30 off the usual price of $89.95?

I'm now half thinking of getting my 6-year-old the Children's Touch Screen ATM Bank for $69.95 (it accepts real coins and bills) or maybe their Young Metereologist's Weather Station ($49.95), which lets kids make their own weather forecasts. You can test rain's acidity levels, build a hygrometer to gauge humidity, and I'm pretty sure that they include an Al Roker face mask. And if they don't, they should.
