Cheap Date Alert!!! Valentine's Day at White Castle?


Even if you're not in one of the 11 states that White Castle operates in, you're quite possibly familiar with them, either because of their cult-like following, which they come by honestly (they're the oldest fast food restaurant in the country), or because they sell their hamburgers in the frozen food aisle in grocery stores around the country. So it may come as a shock that White Castle is (very cleverly, I might add) promoting themselves as a dining destination come this Valentine's Day. They're beloved by many, but not known as a place you necessarily take your beloved.

Still, if you call ahead or log onto the White Castle website, you can reserve seating for you and your loved one between 5-8 p.m. this Valentine's Day, for a nice, relaxing candlelight dinner... and some greasy, onion-slathered sliders, which they spell as Slyders, but who would know what I'm talking about, if I wrote that?

Actually, they're taking it a step up above candlelight. White Castle is promising a special menu, a Valentine's Day decor and table side service. I told my wife that we might go to a fancy restaurant, but she has a sense of humor, and even if she doesn't about this, I can run pretty fast. I wonder if I dare...

Geoff Williams is a business journalist, primarily for Entrepreneur magazine, and the author of C.C. Pyle's Amazing Foot Race: The True Story of the 1928 Coast-to-Coast Run Across America.
