Raising your millionaire


Troy Dunn's 2007 "Young Bucks - How To Raise A Future Millionaire," is about entrepreneurship and it's a must read for parents. Dunn, who has the credentials, has a lot to say about kids and money. He has a formula and he thinks outside the box. He believes that children can "learn to earn young," and he isn't a fan of allowances. He thinks it's better to give children, "the gift of want."

A self-made millionaire, Dunn learned how to think about money early in life at monthly, "business meetings" with his dad, a teacher, over hot chocolate at Denny's.

His ideas about how kids grow up to be financially successful fly in the face of what parents often assume. Rather than setting their sights on "getting into the right college or landing a job at a big corporation," Dunn thinks parents can prepare children for financial success by helping them figure out who they are -- then helping a child capitalize on his or her own interests and enthusiasm with a bit of business acumen.
