Cheap baby gear even cheaper, Target


Daily Deal

: Target is having a sale on baby gear. It seems they have one of these every few weeks. I get regular emails since I bought a few items in the past year following the birth of my son. And, I have to say, Target really does have a great selection and terrific prices on all things baby.

Now the stuff is on sale, plus you get free shipping if you spend more than $50, which is easy to do on baby gear. Check it out if you are in need of a baby gift or if it's time to upgrade your stroller.

The glider and ottoman shown here is now on sale for $199, $30 off the full price. Having it shipped for free is a nice bonus, especially for all you 9-month-pregnant moms who are probably so done with shopping for furniture about now. This is one item you are unlikely to get as a gift. A glider, while not the most beautiful piece of furniture in the world, comes in very handy when there is a newborn around. Before you buy this one, though, check Craig's List in your area to see if you can pick up a used one for $50 or less.
