Your own private Island for $65,000

Private Islands Online
Private Islands Online

It's called Big Tusket Island, and it's nestled just off the coast of Nova Scotia. For a mere $65,000 dollars you can own this bit of private paradise, all 37 acres of it. I discovered this little beauty at The Official Private Islands blog, and they refer you to Private Islands Online to research the details and to make an offer.

The listing claims that the Island already has power available to it, and all the amenities of comfortable living are said to be close by. The listing also indicates that multiple anchorage points make the island ideal for development. Personally, I'd keep the whole darn thing to myself.

Considering that 40 acres of undeveloped real estate here in Northern Wisconsin can cost well in excess of $40,000, I think that just $65,000 for a private island is pretty darn cheap. In fact, the people who can afford the yacht to get back and forth from an island on a regular basis would probably consider this price mere chump change.
