shows that estate planning doesn't have to be morbid


Roughly 2.4 million Americans die each year. Yet, many are not prepared for the legal complications. Keep in mind that at least 55% of adults do not have a valid will and testament.

But with the ubiquity of the Internet, there are many options for planning your estate (which are affordable). Then again, these offerings can be quite legalistic and foreboding.

Well, that's what tries not to be. "We have the common documents like wills, livings wills, and living trusts," said Liz Sayers. "But we try to make it a positive experience and 'death blind.' We also have a jargon buster and make it easy to set things up through our online wizards."

For example, the site has lots of color and nice designs. You can even customize your documents, adding 6 fonts and 30 borders.

Another creative feature is Private Letters. Basically, this allows you to save messages for your heirs -- such as prayers or even family recipes and instructions for pets.

"Our service is also focused on those who can't afford high-priced attorneys," said Sayers. So, for one year, you have access to the ItsMyLife for $19.95.

Tom Taulli is the author of various books, including The Complete M&A Handbook and The Edgar Online Guide to Decoding Financial Statements. He also operates
