MIU Connoisseur corkscrew, $7.99, 1 Sale a Day

connoisseur corkscrew
connoisseur corkscrew

The Daily Deal for January 8, 2008

Having learned how to cork a bottle when waiting tables at a fancy French restaurant, I'm a corkscrew snob. I'll only use a standard waiter's wine key, because after all, why spend extra for hoity-toity wine tools when I am the master of the time-honored classic? Well, that lasted until someone bought a Connoisseur corkscrew for us for Christmas one year. It wasn't as pure, but it sure was pretty. And even my wine-ignorant parents (Dad's a Baptist minister -- if he were an Episcopalian, it would be another story) can figure it out.

And I thought they were pricey. You can get the MIU Connoisseur corkscrew at 1 Sale a Day, guaranteed by me to be easy even for the wine neophyte (disclaimer: not a legal guarantee!), for only $7.99, about the same price as most quality wine keys. The best price I found elsewhere was $13.74 at Amazon -- the list price is $24.99. The corkscrew comes with an extra screw and a wine foil cutter.
