Should overeaters be charged extra at the buffet?


A Houma, Louisiana man is upset that a buffet charged him extra because of his supersized appetite.

Ricky Labit was a regular at the Manchuria Restaurant, and was perturbed when he and his wife's cousin ate there and were given a bill for $46.40, roughly double the normal rate.

According to the Associated Press, the waitress told the men that 'Y'all fat, and y'all eat too much." The man told a reporter that "I was stunned, that somebody would say something like that. I ain't that fat, I only weigh 277."

The debate over the bill escalated until the police were called (Taxpayer dollars at work...) and the man was ultimately offered the meal for free but asked never to return again.

While I don't normally take the side of overweight eaters in their quest for additional calories, I think the buffet is being ridiculous. Isn't one of the risks of operating a buffet that people with big appetites will eat more food than you can profitably afford to serve them?

And if you say "All you can eat, $12.95", that's what it means -- You can't charge people double for eating all they can eat. What do you think?
