Toy prices set to soar -- Do your Christmas '08 shopping early!


If you're one of the handful of people who has any money left after the holiday festivities, it may be a good time to head back to the store to do shopping for any toys you might be buying for next year's gifts.

That's because, according to Kiplinger, toys are likely to rise in price by 5-10% in the coming year as manufacturers pass on increasing quality control expenses in the wake of a slew of recall fiascos.

Another possibility is to stick with high-quality classic toys that are less likely to require extensive changes. As my mother recently wrote on WalletPop, the ones with the fewest bells and whistles are often the best for kids anyway.

For more ideas, check out Kiplinger's list of 15 Can't-miss Classic Toys. Among the favorites are board games, Play Doh, Nerf balls and, heaven forbid, books.

But for classic simplicity and low price, my favorite gift for young children will always be the coloring book.
