2007 Departures: Bob Barker leaves The Price Is Right


Bob Barker has finally left The Price is Right after nearly 35 years. The favored television show of children home sick from school is now anchored by Drew Carey -- a slightly less suave, gentlemanly comedian.

It's hard to understand what exactly it is about the game show that has captivated -- or at least served as an alternative to reading -- generations of daytime television viewers. Watching people on a cheesy set trying to guess the price of laundry detergent hardly seems like it would make for compelling television.

Perhaps it was the models -- even the ones who accused the now 84-year old Barker of sexual harassment. Whatever it was, here are YouTube videos of my two favorite Bob Barker Moments of all-time.

First, his classic fistfight with Adam Sandler from the movie Happy Gilmore. And then there's the less well-known clip of Bob trying to keep his cool with the worst Price is Right player ever.

This post was written as part of a series on on 2007 departures. Read about more products, companies and people you won't see in 2008.
