Want to blog your way out of debt and get paid for it?


Have you racked up some serious doubt -- more money than you earn in a year perhaps? Are you, like Tina Fey in Mean Girls, in a situation where the only man who calls your house is "Randy from Chase Visa"?

A piece in this weekend's Wall Street Journal talks about the success some people struggling to emerge from debt bondage have had with blogging about it: the accountability that comes from reporting on your ups and downs to the world and the emotional support that comes from readers.

If you're in debt and you're looking to blog your way out, email me at ZBissonnette@gmail.com. We're looking for a few brave souls willing to write about their financial woes WalletPop, and what they're doing to fix them.

Plus: We'll pay you!

Photo from Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=2058416937&size=s
