Daily Deal: Fendi bag -- your "signature" style for 58% off


If luxury car dealers check out your watch and shoes to determine if you're a serious buyer or not, it stands to reason that they'd check out your bag, too. Bags, after all, have become the signature accessory for the well-dressed gal who wants to show off the thickness of her wallet.

Or the thickness of her head: It's possible to spend six-digits for certain designer bags. We know they're cute and all, but spending the equivalent of a year's salary for a purse strikes us as, well, profligate. But then we suppose that's the point.

We here at WalletPop prefer to find our "signature" accessories on the cheap. And nobody has to know you've bagged a Fendi bag for more than 1/2 off, do they? We promise we won't tell.

Here's a sweet deal: This lovely leather hobo bag in camel is normally nearly $900 - selling here today for the affordable (for designer bags that is) $375. Not only does it come to you via free shipping, you get the dust bag, too. Check it out at SnazzyBuys.com.
