Create your own multi-level marketing company in ten easy steps!


Hundreds of thousands of Americans get sucked into Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) companies each year. From Mary Kay to Amway to Herbalife to PrePaid Legal, the list is seemingly endless. Each offers its own special spin on the products it sells, but the main focus of an MLM is on recruiting new members.

MLMs live and die by the recruitment of new members, who make the bulk of the product purchases from the company. Little of the product is resold to an actual end user, but the MLM company doesn't care. The sale has been made to the distributor (or associate or representative or member or consultant or whatever term you like).

It's widely knows that those in MLMs make little money. In fact, almost everyone in the pyramid loses money. The real money makers in the scheme are those who own the MLM company. So in the spirit of giving, I'm offering you ten simple steps toward creating your very own MLM. Start yours now and cash in on all those people who are dying to hear about your "opportunity"!

1. Come up with a product or service that you can make sound revolutionary. Funky berry juice, groundbreaking face cream, or unusual financial services will be fine. The only caveat is that you must be able to make it sound like something that's never been done quite this way before. This adds to the mystique.

2. Create a commission structure (also called pay plan, incentives, or rebates) that is difficult to understand, and that pays about 8 to 10 people in an upline as soon as an associate buys something from the company. Ultimately, those in higher levels in the company reap all the rewards, and this is ideal, because it gets everyone on the bottom excited about the "possibilities" and they will recruit their little hearts out.
