Five things that are (probably) cheaper in the city than in your hometown


Earlier this year, my wife and I moved from the wilds of Southwest Virginia to New York City. Our greatest fear wasn't crime, filth, or the possibility that our daughter would grow up with a New York accent. Rather, we were worried that everything was going to cost a fortune and that we would end up having to go to the poor house. Well, so far, so good. Admittedly, some things are more expensive than they were in Virginia. However, most things aren't. For anyone considering a move to the city, here's a quick list of reasons to consider the switch. And so, without any further ado, here are Five Things That Are (Probably) Cheaper in the City Than in Your Hometown.

Fresh Produce: This may seem a little counter-intuitive. However, between the fruit and vegetable vendors that are all over town and the farmer's markets that many cities host, there are plenty of places to get good deals on produce. In New York, a key spot to visit is the Farmer's market in Union Square. Every weekend, farmers, cheesemakers, and bakers from across New York and New Jersey travel to the city to sell their wares. The prices are sometimes a bit steep, but no more than you could expect to pay in a suburban supermarket. Best of all, when you're done shopping, you can wander around all the artists' stalls. If you don't want to be bothered with Farmer's markets, there are always the fruit and vegetable stalls. These guys are all over the place. Some are attached to corner convenience stores or bodegas, but many are free-standing carts situated at major intersections and public areas. The key to shopping at stalls lies in finding a reputable vendor and making sure that he recognizes you. To do this, look over the available vendors carefully. If they try to hard-sell you, or won't let you inspect the goods, run like hell. Once you've found your guy, visit him during his slow hours. Ask his name. Comment on his shoes. Start a conversation. What you want to do is make sure he remembers you next time. After you've established a rapport, ask him for any specials, and let him pick your fruit for you. If he gives you a cruddy orange, be sure to complain. Doing this will indicate that you intend to continue the relationship, and will encourage him to keep your business.
