Gifts with an edge: Winning lottery tickets (not)


As the holiday season approaches, we thought you might appreciate some gift suggestions with a twist, appropriate for those on your list who aren't satisfied with the same old, same old.

Most of the gifts we've recommended in this series are meant to add a little well-intentioned, if off-kilter, fun to the holiday season. But what if you have to gift a really bad person -- the guy that treats the five bucks you owe him like the subprime scandal, that has to tell you, for your own good, that you've developed a little chunk in the trunk, that feels its her moral obligation to tell the boss you cut out from work a half hour early to score Hannah Montana tickets for your kid.

For such pond scum, we have the perfect gift: fake lottery tickets. Celebrate the season by watching the joy of miraculous fortune on your nemesis' face fade into the scowl of indignation. But keep an eye out for the flying bottle of retribution.

For the person who can't believe you don't (heart) them to death, say it with lottery tickets. It's a gift they'll never forget.
