The Simple(r) Life: The gateway sacrifice

The Simple(r) Life: The gateway sacrifice

I am a simplification newbie.

Though I've always been stubborn and loved to do things authentically -- I whisk my butter and cream by hand, I use a film camera, I once pieced a quilt with only needle and thread, by God -- I did not come easy to simplification. I used to scoff at those who would give up plastic, and who would home school, and raise all their vegetables in their very own garden. I secretly made fun of composters.

And then, one day, I decided to give up our family car. Though my husband eventually came to embrace the choice as his own, I was rather forceful about it. We'd gotten a flat tire, and the car was due for all kinds of expensive tune-ups and fix-its. We were a little late with our insurance renewal.

It wasn't really as hard as it seems.
And let me know how it goes.
