Share and edit your photos online, for free


You don't still schlep photos around to family gathering, buy multiple prints to mail, and put up with poorly framed shots? I kicked the habit a couple of years ago with a free Flickr account., a Yahoo company, is one of many photo hosting sites that allow you to upload your digital photos and control who can log on to view them.

The service is free, my favorite price.This gives me a good backup for these photos, and makes it a snap to share photos with my friends and family. I send them the link and they can enjoy at their leisure.

Now, Flickr has added a very valuable feature, the ability to edit the snapshots online. Say Uncle Fred leaves Aunt Clara for your new uncle Elmer. A simple crop and he's history, leaving Aunt Clara alone in the photo, ready for her application.

After uploading your photos, you can also order prints, greeting cards and more, directly through links in the program.

Don't let those treasured family pics languish in the fragile world of your hard drive. Take advantage of the largesse of Yahoo or a competitor and store your shots online.
