Juniper bonsai tree, $24.99, Wine.Woot: The Daily Deal for December 3, 2007

Updated is branching out (har, har) into gifts of all "classy" sorts for a week of gift giving. (Unlike the daily, typically has one item each week; this week will be one non-alcoholic gift each day.)

The first one is a great buy on an attractive and zen-tastic plant, a six-year-old bonsai juniper tree. Why six years old? A bonsai's age is its mark of distinction; the older, the awesomer. And, as someone points out in the comments at, you'll want to keep your bonsai somewhere close to a window and frequently expose it to outdoor air (a porch or windowsill would be ideal).

The price is, indeed, a bargain: the same tree is $36.95 at, and a non-age-specific tree is $35.00 at eastern leaf.
