A 20-sided fortress with a moat is for sale in Wales. ‘Great zombie survivability’

Screengrab from Rightmove.co.uk.

A popular real estate social media page that usually highlights unique homes on the market around the U.S. has taken a wide left turn and featured a property that may seem a little bizarre — but the price range is pretty heavenly. Though be warned: It’s a fixer-upper.

It’s a fortress that’s almost 200 years old and for sale in Wales. And it come with the works — for $603,200.

“It is a huge, renaissance style, 20-sided stone fort surrounded by a dry moat,” the listing on Rightmove.co.uk says. “A parade ground occupies the centre of the fort, enclosed by blocks of barrack rooms, mess areas, magazines and gun sheds.

“The basements contained areas for laundry, stores, latrines and magazines. The barracks was built between 1841 and 1846 to house the dockyard’s garrison of Royal Marines and to cover the landward side of the dockyard from an infantry assault. It was probably the last ‘trace bastion’ fort built in Europe.”

Features consist of:

  • Natural light

  • “Large sash windows”

  • “Impressive stairwells”

  • Detached outbuildings

“During the First World War, the fort was a siege training school for the Royal Artillerymen, and in the Second World War it was used as the Milford Haven headquarters,” the listing says.

The fort, called the Defensible Barracks at Pembroke Dock, was featured on Zillow Gone Wild, a Facebook page and Twitter account that highlight interesting residences for sale, and people were agog.

“If I was rich, I’d turn that into a mini Versailles,” one person said.

“I’d hate to get to one side of the fortress and realized you forgot your phone all the way over on the other side of the fortress. That’s a long trek back,” another joked.

“The moat is empty! Would need to raid the local villagers to get the water flowing back to it.... Also needs alligators... there’s a major lack of alligators in that moat,” someone commented.

“There is a prepper out there drooling over this property to protect them from the coming zombie apocalypse,” one person noted.

“Excellent barracks and moat, but where are the hedge mazes?” another asked. “I need all of my Victorian-era properties to include hedge mazes.”

“1. Totally haunted. 2. Great zombie survivability,” someone listed. “3. Until the apocalypse, we can play paint ball and air soft.”

I’m totally reconsidering my retirement plans,” one person tweeted.

If you need me, I’ll be in my castle,” another said.

Pembroke Dock is about 100 miles northwest of Cardiff.

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