18 Cleaning Products Professional House Cleaners Always Buy

Wiping the slate clean

Cleaning your house can be overwhelming—especially if your closet is overrun with cleaning products and equipment you don’t actually use. It gets even worse if, amid the stuff you do have, you don’t have the things you truly need. The problem is that it’s hard to figure out exactly what that is. Not only do you want to find products that cut down your cleaning time as much as possible, but you want the best sanitizers and disinfectants to kill the bacteria and germs lurking in your home.

To cut through the confusion, we talked to the people who know a thing or two about how to clean safely, thoroughly, and efficiently: professional house cleaners. On this list, you’ll find the cleaning products they always use for their customers and themselves, and they’re about to become your new favorites. Before you start stocking up, however, we recommend investing a little time paring down your current stock of cleaning supplies and finding out which cleaning myths you need to stop believing. Also, keep in mind that you should never mix these cleaning products together.

Note: Prices listed were accurate as of press time; pricing fluctuations may occur.

The post 18 Cleaning Products Professional House Cleaners Always Buy appeared first on Reader's Digest.
