16 Times Huskies Were Total Drama Queens and Kings

A pair of huskies howling in the snow<p>Konstantin Zaykov via Shutterstock</p>
A pair of huskies howling in the snow

Konstantin Zaykov via Shutterstock

Ask any husky owner, and they'll tell you - huskies are the most dramatic dogs you'll ever meet. They're energetic, vocal, high-maintenance canines who crave constant attention from their owners, and if they don't get exactly what they want on the spot, they're liable to throw a dramatic, over-the-top fit. Oh, and did I mention they're loud?

Husky tantrums are infamous all over the internet - there's even an entire subreddit devoted to them, because of course there is. However, if you've still somehow managed to go your whole life without witnessing the fire and fury of a husky meltdown, today's your lucky day. Here are 16 examples of the countless times a husky dog amped the drama factor up to 11 for the most ridiculous reasons!

1. That Time This Drama Queen Wanted To Skip Her Morning Walk

Hey, we've all had those lazy days, right? This cranky husky might not speak English, but I'm certain I heard a few "Nos" in there!

2. That Time Mom Was Late Getting Breakfast Ready

And you thought your pet cats were bad about waking you up for breakfast.

"Dear diary, today our terrible mother was exactly two minutes and seven seconds late getting us our breakfast this morning. I feel myself growing weaker by the second. Surely, my brothers and I shall not make it to 9 am."

3. That Time These Husky Owners Tried to Give Their Dog a Bath

You know, most dogs would gladly jump at the chance to take a bath outside with their owners. Not only does this husky treat it like sheer torture, but he goes out of his way to put all the dirt back on. Guess he just loves being muddy!

4. That Time a Husky Mom Tried - and Failed - at Gentle Parenting

While gentle parenting is perfect in theory, it's tricky to pull off successfully when confronting a human toddler's temper tantrum. Now imagine that instead of a human toddler, you essentially have the next closest thing to a domesticated wolf throwing a fit in your backyard. Ah, well - props to this husky mom for trying.

5. That Time an "Innocent" Husky Was Wrongfully Accused

Is it still considered a "husky tantrum" if the husky in question is defending themselves from slanderous accusations? That could have been anyone who knocked over that trash can. He was merely trying to pick up the mess!

6. That Time This Husky Puppy Wanted an Extra Walk

I know this might be a shocker, but the drama starts at an early age, and pint-sized husky puppies throw full-sized temper tantrums, too. Look on the bright side, though: at least they'll never, ever grow out of it!

7. That Time Dakota Had to Leave the Dog Park

Look, if I were a big ol' silly husky, I'd be reluctant to leave the dog park too, but this is just ridiculous.

8. That Time Dad Made His Morning Coffee Too Loudly

How does the song go again? "The best part of waking up is howls in your cup!'

9. That Time Mom Didn't Buy Eva a Pup Cup

OK, but how is it fair that Mom got to have her Starbucks Frappucino, but Eva couldn't get her Starbucks Puppucino? I actually think this was a reasonable response, all things considered.

10. That Time Mom Put on the "Relaxing" TV Channel

I'm no expert, but I think the relaxing TV channel might be malfunctioning. Maybe try playing some death metal instead?

11. When This Husky Wanted Dinner on Demand

OK, I'm serious this time - I swear I heard that dog say "I want food" in plain English. These dogs are getting smarter by the day...

12. That Time Jackson Took up Couch Spelunking

Apparently Jackson was acting up here because his dad wasn't home. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounds like a pretty convenient excuse to put off going to bed...

13. That Time Mom Started Skimping on the Pets

"It sure would be a shame if I had to ruin this nice quiet afternoon with a major meltdown, wouldn't it? That's right, keep those scritches coming."

14. That Time a Trip to the Groomer's Went Horribly Wrong

Good heavens, what's going on? Did someone open a portal to the deepest pits of Hades? Oh, no... it's just a husky who didn't want the dog groomer giving him a bath.

15. That Time a Husky Became an Opera Singer

Say what you will about huskies, but their vocal prowess and penchant for theatrical dramatics are unmatched. We've got ourselves a genuine Paw-varotti over here!

16. That Time a Baby Husky Threw Its First Tiny Temper Tantrum

OK, I won't even lie - that one was really cute. The tantrums start to get less adorable as the howling gets louder, but this one gets a pass from me. A baby's gotta start somewhere!

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