16 Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief

Medically reviewed by Brian T. Luong, DMD

Wisdom teeth are the third molars farthest back in the mouth. They typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Most people undergo wisdom teeth removal because of pain or crowding when the wisdom teeth come in.

Many home remedies and over-the-counter (OTC) medications are available for relieving wisdom tooth pain. There are also medical treatments for severe pain.

This article discusses natural and medical ways to relieve wisdom tooth pain.

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What Causes Wisdom Tooth Pain?

When a wisdom tooth is coming in, you may experience symptoms like pain, crowding, and infection. Causes of wisdom tooth pain include:

  • Food that gets trapped, resulting in cavities

  • Bacteria that enter the gums, causing infection

  • Crowding or damage to neighboring teeth

  • Impacted wisdom teeth (teeth trapped in the jaw or under the gums), resulting in a cyst that damages nearby roots and bones

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth extraction is the most common surgery performed on U.S. adolescents and young adults, with more than 80% of people undergoing the procedure before age 25. One study found about 72% of people have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.

How to Relieve Wisdom Tooth Pain at Home

The first step to relieving wisdom tooth pain is to see a dentist. They will evaluate your teeth with dental X-rays and will be able to see if your pain is a result of erupting teeth. They may recommend removal. There are plenty of ways to help with the pain at home.

Related: 18 At-Home Remedies for Toothache Pain

Saltwater Rinse

A saltwater rinse may help ward off infection and soothe wisdom tooth pain. Saline rinses may be beneficial if your wisdom tooth pain is caused by a cyst or ulcer that forms around an erupting tooth. Saltwater rinses are the preferred method for oral wound healing.

To make a saltwater rinse, mix a teaspoon of table salt with 8 ounces of lukewarm water. Rinse the solution in your mouth for up to 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat several times a day.

Cold and Heat Therapy

Wisdom tooth pain may also benefit from applying cold and heat. You can apply cold and warm compresses on the outside of your mouth, over your cheek, or under your jaw, depending on the source of the pain.

Cold therapy reduces pain, blood flow to the area, and swelling. This may temporarily relieve wisdom tooth pain. Hold an ice pack (covered with a cloth) to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.

Heat therapy works oppositely—it increases blood flow and relaxes muscles. It's probably not the best go-to, as some find the increased blood flow causes more pain. However, it may help by relaxing the muscles around your jaw. Try this method by applying a warm washcloth for 10 to 15 minutes.


Peppermint is used for a variety of things, including tooth pain. It has antibacterial properties and may help to ward off infection.

Make a peppermint tea and swish it around in your mouth for wisdom tooth pain. You can also place the steeped tea bag over your sore tooth or gums for a few minutes.

Clove Oil

Clove oil is used in traditional medicine for toothaches. The chemical eugenol in cloves may help relieve the pain. Clove essential oil applied topically may temporarily ease wisdom tooth pain. However, it can also cause irritation and gum damage. Talk to a healthcare provider for guidance before trying this remedy.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is great for the skin—including the skin in the mouth. Aloe may help treat the wound if your mouth is sore around the erupting teeth. Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory, which may also help reduce swelling and pain. Some people apply aloe vera tooth gel to their affected teeth, but it's best to discuss this with a healthcare provider first.


Some people use garlic gum, toothpaste, and mouth rinses to treat dental pain. Researchers say the allicin in garlic may help with oral pain. This might be especially helpful if your wisdom tooth pain is caused by an ulcer forming near the erupting tooth.


Though not directly related to wisdom tooth pain, some research found ginger powder effectively relieves oral pain after some procedures. In one study, dried ginger powder was as effective as ibuprofen in controlling pain after open flap debridement (periodontal (gum) procedure to clean under the gums).


Menthol is a main component of peppermint oil derived from peppermint leaves. It is used as a flavoring and cooling agent in many dental products. It also has analgesic properties.

You may be able to find OTC products for tooth pain that contain menthol. Check with a healthcare provider or pharmacist for guidance on using these for wisdom tooth pain.


The curcumin in turmeric is anti-inflammatory, which is why it may help with pain. Researchers found that roasted ground turmeric can relieve dental pain and swelling.

Oregano Oil

Some people use oregano essential oil for dental pain. Research shows that oregano oil can protect against oral health conditions, especially those caused by microbial conditions.

You should never ingest essential oils. Talk to a healthcare provider about the best way to use oregano oil for wisdom-tooth-related pain.


Capsaicin is a chemical compound found in chili peppers. It is commonly applied to the skin for pain relief. You can find oral rinses that have capsaicin as an ingredient.

Medical Relief for Wisdom Tooth Pain

If your wisdom tooth pain is unbearable, you may need stronger pain relief.


Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It decreases pain and reduces inflammation, which makes it an excellent choice for wisdom tooth pain.

NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, can cause side effects like gastrointestinal problems. They can also interfere with some medications, like blood thinners, some antidepressants, and high blood pressure medication. Talk with a healthcare provider to see if ibuprofen is best for you.


Aspirin is another NSAID. However, unlike ibuprofen, aspirin has antiplatelet effects, making it a good choice for people who have heart conditions or are at risk of having a stroke.

Aspirin is not a good choice for kids under 18 because of the risk of Reye's syndrome, a condition that causes swelling in the brain and liver.


Tylenol (acetaminophen) is good for reducing pain and fevers. However, it is not an anti-inflammatory, like NSAIDs, so it will not help with pain associated with swelling. Tylenol is approved for use in children according to weight and dosage.


Orajel (benzocaine) is an OTC topical numbing medication. Though this may seem like a good first-line option, experts issued a warning about serious and potentially fatal blood disorders associated with the product. Do not allow children to take it, and seek medical advice before taking it yourself.


Acupuncture is a complementary medical practice that some people use for pain relief. One study found that those who received postoperative acupuncture showed lower pain scores than those who received fake acupuncture. Acupuncture may improve intraoperative (during surgery) and postoperative pain as well as the efficacy of local anesthesia.

Other Causes of Mouth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain isn't the only cause of pain in the back of the mouth. Other causes include:

Do I Have to Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Wisdom teeth pain usually does not go away without extraction. However, sometimes, like other teeth that emerge and cause pain, if your wisdom teeth come straight in and there is enough room, the pain may resolve over time when the teeth stop emerging. The majority of people will find that they need their wisdom teeth removed.

What to Do After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

After your wisdom teeth are extracted, following your oral surgeon's directions is important. Oral surgery recovery often includes:

  • Avoiding smoking

  • Avoiding rinsing your mouth vigorously

  • Avoiding drinking through a straw

  • Following a soft diet

  • Rinsing your mouth gently to remove food debris

  • Applying an ice pack for swelling

  • Taking pain medication as directed

  • Brushing and flossing your other teeth, avoiding the area around the removal

When to Contact a Healthcare Provider

Experts consider severe dental pain and wisdom tooth pain urgent dental conditions. Though the ER can't provide emergency dental treatment, it can address swelling, difficulty breathing, difficulty opening or closing the jaw, pain, and infection with medication or antibiotics.

Alternatively, if you have a dentist, call their after-hours line. A dentist can also prescribe pain medication and antibiotics to address pain until they can see you.

Related: Should I Go to a Hospital or a Dentist for My Dental Emergency?


You can manage wisdom tooth pain in many ways, including at-home therapies, OTC medications, and prescription medicine. Most people require wisdom teeth extraction, which ultimately resolves their pain. In the meantime, a dentist can help you come up with ways to manage that pain.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.
