15 Cats Who Think They’re Human and the Proof is Hilarious
I know that a lot of us pet owners tend to anthropomorphize our animals and think of them as more "human" than they really are, but sometimes I swear that even our pets think of themselves as human. Case in point: my cat Jonesy spends most of his time doing stereotypical cat stuff, but if I'm watching a movie, he'll join in watching it with me, sometimes even reclining with his back against a couch cushion and "sitting up" just like I do!
I'm not the only cat owner who's observed their feline friends mimicking human behavior to an uncannily accurate degree. Here are 15 other cats who clearly think of themselves as people, with the hilarious evidence to prove it!
1. This Literal "Fur Baby"
"I'm not sure why, but this human keeps calling me her baby. Guess I might as well play the part!"
2. This Cat Grabbing a Drink From the Water Cooler
"I don't see any of the humans drinking out of stinky old water bowls. Why should I?" All jokes aside, this kitty would probably benefit from having a cat-sized water fountain to drink from!
3. This Cat Mama Who Set Up an Interspecies Play Date
Fun fact: in the wild, cats are communal creatures who frequently co-parent with other cats in their colonies. Basically, this cat mama is most likely telling the human mama to take over kitty-watching duties for a while so she can take a break. What mom couldn't relate?
4. This Cat Who Taught Himself to Use the Toilet
"Sorry, human, but I might be in here for a while. Got any Cat Fancy magazines lying around?"
5. This Cat Using His Human's Toothbrush
On one hand, feline dental care is important, and we love to see a cat taking his dental hygiene into his own hands - uh, paws. On the other hand, you just know his owner really wishes they'd kept their toothbrush in the medicine cabinet right about now.
6. This Cat Enjoying a Morning Yoga Sesh
"You call that "cat pose?" Ugh. Hand over the yoga mat, human, and lemme show you how it's done."
7. This Cat Watching Bird Documentaries on His Phone
Got my cat hooked on watching documentaries about birds
by u/Repulsive_Plantain_9 in WhatsWrongWithYourCat
"Back in my day, cats used to go outside and hunt birds, not watch them on their dang phones all day! What is wrong with this generation..."
Related: Cat Innocently Lies Down Next to a Rainbow and Reminds People of a Famous Internet Meme
8. This Cat Making the Bed for Her Human
Normally, house cats don't pitch in with the chores, but this mama cat was not about to let her crazy kitten make a mess of her human's hard work!
9. This Cat Who Loves Riding a Rocking Horse
Why should the human kids get all the good toys? Let them chase a laser dot around the house for once. This kitty's dreaming of riding on the open range!
10. This Cat Who Eats Dinner With His Family
In this household, everyone sits at the table for family dinnertime. He's sitting politely in his chair, he's staying off the table, he's not sniffing anyone else's food - this cat's table manners are absolutely purr-fect!
11. This Cat Who Learned How To Open Doors
Kitty life hack: once you figure out how to operate human door handles, every door becomes a cat door!
12. This Cat Speaking Italian
by u/Bihema in holdmycatnip
You know how some cats sound like they're saying "hello" when they meow? That's not just a coincidence. Turns out, they do the same thing in other languages too. Meow-lto bene!
13. These Cats Having a Very Important Conversation
Are they discussing mouse catching techniques? Roasting their foolish pet parents? Plotting the downfall of humanity? Man, what I wouldn't give for a cat translator right about now...
14. This Cat Chilling in Her Favorite Recliner
Look, she's had a very long day of making biscuits and getting the zoomies. She's earned the right to crash out in front of the TV!
15. This Cat Who... Uh... Oh Boy...
The owner of the photo says: "I suddenly woke up at night and found my cat sitting like this and looking at me!"
by u/Perfect_Gas in MadeMeSmile
OK, this one's less an example of a cat acting human, and more an example of a cat acting like an Elf on the Shelf. Sweet dreams...
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