12/31/23 meaning: What numerology says about the last day of the year

Numerology is a practice that ascribes meaning to specific digits and series of digits. The last day of the year — Dec. 31, 2023 — is particularly intriguing, numerologically speaking.

Take a look at the digits within the date. When written in the U.S. style, the date turns into 12/31/23 ... or, 123123.

Below, we'll explain why this sequence of numbers signals an excellent time for personal growth, emerging creative potential and awakening one’s spirituality.

What does 123123 mean?

To understand the meaning of this sequence, let's break down what each digit means in numerology.

  • One is connected to new beginnings.

  • Two has to do with harmony, balance, and love.

  • Three represents creativity and self-expression.

When these three numbers are combined, they create a powerful force to make positive changes in our lives.

Is 123123 an angel number?

With its specific pattern, the number 123123 can be considered an angel number.

Angel numbers are sequential numbers, like 111 or 222, and are thought to be messages from guardian angels or spirit guides. Think of them as signs that you’re on the right path, or that you’re not alone on your journey.

These numbers can show up in different ways, such as on license plates, book pages, phone numbers, or clocks. The key to noticing them is to simply keep your eyes open.

Why does it matter that 123123 falls on the last day of the year?

This date falls on New Year’s Eve, a date associated with making resolutions for future growth and change. Given the numerological significance, the spirit of new beginnings will be all the more potent. It's like the portal for new beginnings and creation (123) is so important it's being conveyed twice.

Since his sequence of numbers will not happen again for a hundred years, whatever is being created now is potentially big.

What is the numerology of 2024?

Numerology, like astrology, functions on the plane of the personal and the collective. People have personal life path numbers, derived by reducing a person's birth date and birth year.

2024 will be an "eight year," since the digits add up to the number eight. Within numerology, eight is a powerful number associated with building, doing and creating. So, whatever you start on the last day of 2023 will have room to grow heading into 2024.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
