117-Pound Dog Rescued From Garbage-Filled Underground Grain Bin in the Nick of Time


A lost dog is lucky to be alive thanks to animal control officers in Ogden, Utah who rescued the 117-pound pup after she was stuck in water and garbage filled underground grain bin.

Employees discovered the pup when they heard whining.

KSLTV reports, "On Monday, Weber County Animal Services said the dog, 5-year-old Mo, had fallen down a 10-foot hole into an “old grain storage bin that was full of garbage and a foot of water,” at Cache Commodities. An employee at the site said they heard some whining on Friday night coming from one of the back buildings that isn’t used anymore. He went to check it out, but couldn’t find anything."

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When employees returned on Monday they heard the cries again, and this time found Mo deep down in one of the abandoned pits.

This poor baby! She must have been terrified!

According to the news report when Weber County Animal Services arrived Mo was shivering, shaking, and just covered in grime and dirt. The poor baby was so tired and weak she couldn't even walk by herself.

The animal control officer rescued Mo by using straps and carrying her up a ladder. She was then checked out by Millcreek Vet for minor scrapes and dehydration and was given an antibiotic. The best part about this story is that Mo had a microchip so they were able to locate her owner right away and when she heard her owner's voice she perked right up!

Facebook users are so happy about this heroic rescue and one person commented, "Thank you for saving this dog you guys are angels!" Another person replied, "Excellent job to all parties, especially the person who saw or heard something and got the proper people involved to have a life saved." Another person made an excellent point with, "Wow! Perfect example of how important microchipping is! Big thank you to all involved!"

Microchipping your pet is the best step to take just in case they ever get lost or stolen. You should also update the microchip information in case you ever move or change your phone number.

Mo's owner had been searching for her since the Friday before she was found, and they believe that she may have been chasing a raccoon from her home a few blocks away! Thank goodness she is home safe and sound, let's hope she doesn't go chasing anymore critters!

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