11 Money Mistakes First-Time Travelers Always Make and What To Do Instead

Yelizaveta Tomashevska / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Yelizaveta Tomashevska / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Feeling the call of wanderlust? If you’re gearing up for your first big adventure or just looking for ways to travel more efficiently, you’ve come to the right place.

Traveling is about creating memories, experiencing new cultures and broadening your horizons. And if you can do all of that while managing your budget wisely, it’s even more fun.

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Let’s dive into the common money mistakes first-time travelers often make and discover how to travel like a pro without breaking the bank.

Mistake #1: Discount Booking Bummers

Ah, the thrill of chasing those jaw-dropping deals online. While it’s tempting to book the cheapest flight and hotel, it can sometimes lead to inconvenience, like spending a whole day in an airport waiting for a connecting flight, or even extra expenses, like having to move to a whole new hotel … without bugs.

Instead, focus on value over just the price. Consider factors such as location and amenities, and always read reviews. Plus, don’t forget: Rewards points and loyalty programs can be your best friends.

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Mistake #2: Adventuring at Peak Times

Traveling during peak seasons can leave your wallet gasping for air. Avoid the tourist crowds and inflated prices by exploring your destination during the off-peak season. You’ll enjoy a more authentic experience and often find great deals on accommodations and activities.

Mistake #3: Going Last Minute

Procrastination might work for some things, but not when it comes to travel planning. Last-minute bookings often come with higher prices. Instead, plan your trip well in advance, giving you the luxury of comparing prices and finding those hidden gems.

Websites like Kayak and Skyscanner compare airfares, hotels and car rentals, offering a forecast feature that can help you decide when to buy. If you do find yourself going last minute, HotelTonight offers last-minute accommodation deals.

Mistake #4: Eating at the Hotel or in Tourist Spots

Embrace local cuisine. Not only is this an incredible culinary adventure, but it’s also a budget-friendly choice. Street food stalls and small local restaurants often serve up delicious meals at a fraction of the cost of high-end restaurants. Travel blogger Ciara Johnson asks locals for recommendations, visits neighborhood markets for great eats and uses Google Maps to search for a specific food nearby.

Mistake #5: Not Walking Enough

Sure, taxis can be convenient, but they add up. When visiting a city, plan for plenty of walking time to get lost, explore and experience the vibes. Not only will it you save money, but you’ll discover hidden gems and experience the culture more intimately.

When your feet ache, remember that many cities offer public transportation passes for tourists. These can save you a substantial amount on buses, trams or subways.

Mistake #7: Staying Only in Hotels

Accommodations are often the biggest ticket travel expense. Consider staying with locals through homestays or home swaps. Not only will you save money on lodging, but you’ll also get insider tips on the best places to visit and eat.

Hostels are another great option. Frequent backpacker Matt Kepnes has a great list of his favorites worldwide.

Mistake #8: Refusing To Splurge

Not all splurges are created equal. Prioritize experiences that truly matter to you. If you’re a history buff, invest in a guided tour of a historical site. If you love adventure, spend on that once-in-a-lifetime excursion. Make your travel budget count where it matters most.

Mistake #9: Leaving Home Without Travel Insurance

Nobody plans for the unexpected, but it’s essential to have a safety net. Travel insurance can protect you from unexpected medical expenses, trip cancellations and lost baggage. It’s a small cost compared to potential big expenses.

Mistake #10: Failing To Exchange Currency Wisely

Avoid currency exchange kiosks at airports or tourist areas, as they often offer unfavorable rates. Instead, use local ATMs to withdraw cash or use credit cards with no foreign transaction fees. Make sure to notify your bank about your travel plans to avoid card issues.

Mistake #11: Forgetting To Download Budget Travel Apps

Before setting off on your journey, download budgeting apps. They’ll help you keep track of your expenses, stay within your budget and avoid overspending. Wanderlog and TravelSpend are interactive trip budget planners that will add up your total and even help you split expenses with travel companions.

Remember, the key to successful budget travel is finding the right balance between saving and splurging. By avoiding these common money pitfalls and making informed choices, you can embark on your journey with confidence and maximize your travel experiences. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the world while keeping your wallet happy. Bon voyage!

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 11 Money Mistakes First-Time Travelers Always Make and What To Do Instead
