11 Best Snacks for When the Munchies Hit

Reddit Screenshot over Salty snacks. Pretzels, chips, crackers in glass bowls.
Cheapism / Reddit / beats3/istockphoto

Munchie Madness

When it comes to the munchies, the more eclectic the snack collection, the better. You want a good balance of sweet, salty, spicy, and savory, so when your cravings hit, you're prepared for anything. Redditors took to this thread to help out a fellow hungry user looking to expand upon his collection of snacks, and we compiled some of our favorite suggestions.

Related: Late-Night Cravings: Jack in the Box Munchie Meals, Ranked

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1. Spicy, Cheesy, Salty, Oh My

Spicy Cheez-Its are already elite, but dunking them in some warm garden vegetable cream cheese with Laughing Cow wedges? This is absolutely something you'd only think to do while under the green influence, and it sounds absolutely delicious, we must admit.

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2. Get Saucy

The obvious suggestion. What kind of monster would eat chicken bites without dipping sauce, anyway? Try one of this Redditor's inventive suggestions or keep it classic with some ranch dressing, buffalo sauce, or barbecue sauce.

If you really want to get crazy, you could try making one of these copycat fast-food sauces at home.

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3. Hit Up the Dollar Store

Dollar stores are certainly a good place to start if you're looking to stock up on snacks for cheap, but we're not entirely convinced $60 will give you enough snacks to last the month, especially depending on how often you ... get the munchies.

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4. Something to Wash it All Down With

Anytime you're heavily snacking, we suggest swigging some water to wash all your goodies down with. And if you've got the munchies, you're definitely going to want water to combat cotton mouth.

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5. Gotta Have Some Spice!

Is there a more appropriate snack when you have the munchies than Munchies? It's right there in the name. The Flamin' Hot variety is particularly top-tier since its dominated by delicious Hot Cheetos, the ultimate chip if you like spicy snacks.

Related: New Amazon Gadget Can Make Anything Taste Like Cheetos

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6. Pickles Rule the World

Pickle flavoring seems to be taking the snack world by storm as of late, and apparently the spicy pickle Blue Diamond almonds bring the heat if you want a spicy and crunchy snack as part of your lineup.

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7. Tell Us You Have the Munchies Without Telling Us You Have the Munchies

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Oh, that sounds good too ...

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This Redditor is either a seasoned veteran when it comes to quelling the munchies or a pregnant person. (Or they've watched the classic film "Half Baked" more than a few times!)

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8. Freeze-Dried Skittles?! Sign Us Up

All of these suggestions have our mouths watering, but we can't get the thought of a crisp and crunchy, fruity and delicious Skittle out of our head. Although freeze drying a bunch of Skittles does sound like an awful lot of work that someone with the munchies might find themselves a little too relaxed to undertake.

Related: We Tasted 13 Frozen Pizzas and This Is the Best

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9. An Obvious Must-Have

There is no chip quite like Funyuns and for that reason, they should earn a special spot in any snack lineup. There are even Flamin' Hot Funyuns if you want another spicy snack to munch on.

Related: We Sampled 16 Kinds of Potato Chips — These Are the Best (and Worst)

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10. Fruit's a Game Changer

Cotton candy grapes are elite. There are no two ways around it. It's a fact. They offer all of the juicy flavor as normal grapes, yet they have a special cotton candy-esque taste that's actually delicious unlike all of the fake cotton candy-flavored snacks out there.

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11. Takes Us Back to Childhood

Mac and cheese with hotdogs in it is the quintessential childhood meal, so we are 100% here for this suggestion. Plus, who doesn't love adding a little extra shredded cheese to their mac? Duh.
