10 Vintage Gift Ideas for Him, From Comic Books to Vinyls

SeventyFour / iStock
SeventyFour / iStock

10 Vintage Gift Ideas for Him

If you have a guy in your life that you are hoping to get a cool gift for then I think today’s post is going to be just the thing for you because today I have a list of 10 great vintage gift ideas for him. And I tried to put together a list that would have a cool vintage gift on it for every guy out there. So hopefully you find the perfect vintage gift for him here. And although you often have to pay extra when something is vintage, I think I put together a list that will have something affordable on it for people on any type of budget.

Vintage t-shirt
Rungroj Nuiman/Istockphoto

1 - Get Him A Vintage T-Shirt of A Band He Loves

A Vintage Band Tee Is A Surefire Win for A Vintage Gift

If you’re looking for an easy to get vintage gift for him then you can never go wrong with a great band t-shirt. The nice thing about band t-shirts is that it's still really easy to get shirts from popular bands from the past. Nirvana hasn’t been a band since 1994, but you can still find a Nirvana t-shirt really easily. And the same thing applies to other popular bands throughout history. The Grateful Dead, The Ramones, The Rolling Stones, Black Flag, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, and so many other important and influential vintage bands still sell tons of merch to this day. So if you want to get him a cool vintage gift that is going to be fairly easy to get your hands on then I think a band tee could be a really good solution for you.

A record shop

2 - Get Him A Vintage Vinyl

It’s Easier Than It’s Been In Decades to Shop for Vinyl

One cool vintage gift you can get for him is a vinyl record. And there hasn’t been a better time to collect records in the past 40 years than it is right now. Vinyl is having a huge comeback with many companies producing record players and plenty of bands putting out their albums as vinyl records. Vinyl is really having a resurgence so you can get him a vintage album of a band he really loves if you shop around at a couple of record stores. And you can even get him a new vinyl record from a modern band that he likes. It really isn’t going to make too much of a difference. Any vinyl record is going to be a great vintage gift!

Vintage books
Alla Tsyganova/istockphoto

3 - Get Him A Vintage Copy of One of His Favorite Books

There’s So Many Amazing Editions of CLassic Books That Make A Great Vintage Gift for Him

If he loves to read then you can find him a classic edition of a book that you know that he loves. But if you shop around at independent bookstores and online retailers you can find all kinds of great editions of just about any book out there. So pick out a book you know is one of his absolute favorites and get him a first edition of it, or get him the special collectors edition of the book. There are so many unique and interesting editions of popular books as they have been published over decades of time. So you will surely be able to find him one that makes the perfect vintage gift for this gift giving occasion!

Vintage fashion

4 - A Vintage Fashion Item

A Vintage Gift That Really Has Tons of Possibilities

If you are really hard up trying to think of a great vintage present for him then you can always go with a vintage fashion item. The nice thing about this one is that it makes for a pretty wide category of gifts so you have a lot to choose from. YOu can find him a vintage tie made of a fine fabric, a nice hat from the 50s, a real vintage leather wallet, or a vintage watch that still keeps perfect time. You have so many different items to choose from. I mean not every article of clothing is going to be great. Vintage socks and underwear are probably a no-go. But a nice shirt, vintage pants, a nice vintage jacket are all also great options for a vintage gift for him!

Classic films

5 - A Copy of A Classic Movie He Loves

A Vintage-ish Gift That I Am Sure He Will Love

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So this one isn’t “strictly” a vintage item per se. But what it is, is a modern remastering of a vintage gift. So it's a vintage gift that has been upgraded for the modern world through the use of technology so I think it belongs on the list. You can get him a great Blu-Ray or 4K Collector’s Edition of a vintage movie that you know he loves. You can even find a lot of them in steel books for the collectors edition which will include a really nice looking and safe case to keep the disc in prime condition. It’s not technically vintage, but it is a really cool gift that can be a vintage film.


6 - Vintage Decor

A Great Vintage Gift If You Really Find the Perfect Piece

This is a bit of a difficult vintage present to pull off, but if you know the general style and interior design of his house then you can find him a vintage piece of decor to compliment his style. This one will be pretty hard to track down so you’ll want to hit up all the local antique stores around you. And on top of that, this one is probably going to be pretty pricey because vintage furniture goes for a lot. So I would only go with this option if you found something you absolutely know that he’ll love. If you have any doubt I would go with one of the cheaper options on the list.

Sega Megadrive
helena babanova/Istockphoto

7 - A Vintage Video Game or Accessory for A Console He Still Has

An Amazing Vintage Gift for Any Guy That’s A Gamer!

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If your guy is any kind of gamer then I bet he still has one of his favorite consoles from when he was a kid. It could be anything from a Super Nintendo to a Playstation 2 or a Gamecube or Gameboy Color, if you know that he has any game system from when he was a kid then you can find him a vintage game for it or get him a vintage controller for it. If he is a lifelong gamer this is a vintage gift that will really blow him away. I think this is an especially great gift if it comes from a girlfriend or wife. If you paid attention when he was talking about video games and then used that knowledge to go out and get him a vintage game for his favorite system you are going to win all the. Cool girlfriend points in the world!

Alena Kravchenko/istockphoto

8 - A Vintage Comic Book

Every Comic Fan Will Love A FIrst Printing As A VIntage Gift

If the guy you need a vintage gift for is a fan of comic books, or was a big fan of comics when he was a kid then you can find him a great vintage issue of a hero that he loves. And while there is some misunderstanding about the price of vintage comics due to a speculation boom in the 90s, you can actually get pretty nice editions for around $40 as long as you aren’t trying to get the rarest book ever published. So you can get him a cool vintage gift that is also a collectors item without really breaking the bank!

Collection of wines in the store of elite alcohol.
Amore al Arte/Istockphoto

9 - A Vintage Bottle of Liquor or Wine

A Different Kind of Vintage Gift

IF your guy enjoys a nice bottle of wine or a nice bottle of whiskey or liquor then you can always get him a vintage bottle of his favorite one. A vintage wine will tell you the years the grapes were picked. So do a little research and find out which years were good years and get him a bottle from one of the good years. A vintage whiskey is a little bit of a different thing. It's usually a small batch whiskey that sells out completely before it ever makes it to store shelves. But you can shop online at different distilleries and get a vintage bottle without too much hassle as long as you plan in advance!

Munich, Germany Bavaria - May 22, 2021: VISA credit and debit cards in a black leather wallet with a white table surface background.

10 - A Custom Visa Gift Card

He Can Use it to Pick Out the Perfect Vintage Gift For Himself

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If none of the vintage gifts on the list looked good to you then you can always get him one of these custom Visa gift cards. The nice thing about these cards is that they can be used anywhere that accepts Visa Cards. So everything from the small mom and pop shop on main street, all the way up to the corporate giants like Amazon and Wal-Mart, he’ll be able to shop whenever he wants and he’ll be able to pick out a great vintage gift for himself!

And There You Have 10 Great Vintage Gift Ideas for Him!

This article originally appeared on Giftya.com and was syndicated by MediaFeed.org

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