10 Things Millennials Think That Gen Z Is Doing Wrong

Let The Fiery Opinions Commence.

There's no getting around the fact that there are many folks out there who are more than ready to ridicule Gen Z for all manners of wild and unpredictable behavior. Social media platforms like TikTok have given rise to tidal waves of unprecedented cringe from people who assume that we need to see them as the main characters.

This AskReddit thread has people sharing what they view Gen Z as doing wrong.

Reddit screenshot on Gen Z not speaking up during class.

This Could Put Some Teachers In Quite The Predicament.

Simply speaking up can make all the difference sometimes.

Reddit screenshot about Gen Z being bad at socializing.

Socializing Isn't For Everyone.

Some folks are simply more inclined to successfully pull off small talk than others.

Related: Hard Life Truths Millennials Already Understand (but Gen Z Doesn't...Yet)

Reddit screenshot about Gen Z being bad at breakdancing.

Breakdancing Done Well Is A Sight To Behold.

Breakdancing, or least actually breakdancing correctly is harder than it might look.

Reddit screenshot on the value of critical thinking.

Critical Thinking Is Crucial.

This opinion is bound to make some waves.

Reddit screenshot about privacy being very limited nowadays.

Oh Privacy, Sure Would Be Nice.

Privacy would seem to be increasingly less and less of a thing.

Reddit screenshot about Google not being used.

Google Is There To Help Us For A Reason.

The whole AI-generated content movement has both been wild to watch in terms of how quickly things have evolved, but also just a tad bit troubling for how many ridiculously mindless "articles" are out there.

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Reddit screenshot about 90s jeans not being fashionable.

Maybe A Fashion Throwback Better Left In The Past.

To each their own. But it would seem that there are plenty of folks from older generations that are ready to ridicule people from younger generations for their stylistic choices.

Related: The Most Regrettable Fashion Trends in History

Reddit screenshot about intelligence lacking wisdom.


It is in fact okay to have respectful and passionate discourse every now and again.

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Reddit screenshot about how people shouldn't diagnose themselves.

Doctors Spent All That Time In School For A Reason.

The whole process of self-diagnosing can be a slippery slope, to say the least.

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