1/11 Numerology Portal: What It Means for Your Love Life, Career, and More

111 Numerology Portal Meaning

January marks the opening of the 1/11 portal, a numerological day that brings a hopeful energy. If you're looking for the perfect day to check in on the status of your New Year's resolutions, Thursday, January 11, 2024 (aka 1/11) is your chance! This year's 1/11 portal is extra influential, thanks to numerology and astrology. When you add the digits in the date 1/11/2024 (1+1+1+2+0+2+4), you get 11, a master number. In numerology, master numbers signify great success after a struggle. Master number 11 represents a divine connection to the energy of creation, making it the most spiritually sensitive and intuitive of all numbers. The 1/11 portal allows you to see the big picture and make adjustments to keep you on course. With this cosmic event taking place alongside the first new moon of 2024, it signifies the beginning of a new phase of spiritual growth. What will you manifest?

What Is the 1/11 Portal in Numerology?

The 1/11 portal is a powerful day that invites new beginnings and opportunities. Adding up the date 1/11/2024 reveals the energy of master number 11, a sign that you can co-create your dream reality with the Universe. Manifestation and spellwork can be enhanced by specific numbers. If you have been noticing the numbers 11 or 111 repeatedly, it could be a sign to take action during the upcoming 1/11 portal. In numerology, the master number 11 is associated with spiritual guidance, intuition, and illumination. When you see triple digits on the calendar on 1/11, it may be a signal to pursue your dreams with a sense of freedom.

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The Astrology of the 1/11 Portal Explained

The 1/11 numerology gateway opens with the new moon in Capricorn on January 11, 2024, at 6:58 a.m. ET. Each month, the moon moves through a complete cycle, hallmarking the small moments in our lives. These lunar phases bring unique energy, and the monthly new moon is a chance to pick ourselves up and try again. During this month's new moon, the stars ask you to embrace the spirit of reciprocity. Whatever you pour your time, energy, and attention into during the 1/11 portal will become an overarching theme of your year.

Mars is in Capricorn, adding a strong sense of motivation to your career and work sphere. You're feeling motivated to take the next step, and the routines you build for yourself this month will make or break your success. This month's 1/11 portal is a reminder that success is about your cumulative efforts. You're restructuring your life to clear space for new blessings. Take the time to examine what adjustments can better serve your needs and emotions. With the 1/11 portal taking place during the new moon in Capricorn, it's also your chance to use affirmations to your advantage. Stating 'I Am...' in the mirror as if your desires are happening in the present tense will help make them more believable to you.

Venus will be in Sagittarius until the end of this month, which will increase your desire for freedom in love. Whether you are single or in a relationship, the 1/11 portal is an excellent opportunity to add more excitement and passion to your romantic experiences. There are many preconceptions about what a "perfect" relationship should look like, but this transit encourages you to ignore appearances and focus on authenticity. Love can take many forms, and during the 1/11 portal, you may find yourself attracted to more spontaneous and joyful experiences. So, let your romantic fantasies take over!

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How to Manifest During the 1/11 Portal

Once you have a clear idea of what you're calling into your life under the 1/11 portal, you can use one of the manifestation rituals below to claim it! If you want to get the most out of your magic, perform your ritual on 1/11/2024 at 1:11.

Dress Like Your Venus Sign

You can become the hottest version of yourself in 2024 by dressing for your Venus sign. In astrology, Venus is the planet of love and romance, but it also rules over what we manifest and invite into our lives. When you activate your Venus sign in your birth chart, not only will it make you more confident, it'll make you a magnet for manifestation. Dressing for your Venus sign aligns you with the energy of abundance and subtly signals to others who see what you are attracted to and desire in your life. When you look good, you feel good, and this technique allows you to align yourself with opportunities meant for you and helps you feel more confident as you navigate success. Find your Venus sign using this free tool.

Manifest with Music Magic

Music is a universal language that has the power to connect us. It's also a great tool for connecting with your angels during the 1/11 portal. The music, motivation manifestation technique takes something as simple as your morning playlist and turns it into a magical way to create your dream life. This technique is as simple as choosing one song that embodies the energy you want to bring to your year and playing it every morning as you get ready. It’s best to listen to this song as you’re getting ready to start the day so you can sing the lyrics to yourself like you might repeat affirmations in the mirror.

The 369 Manifestation Method

If you enjoy journaling, the 369 manifestation method can help you create a new future for yourself quickly and easily. To start, choose a goal or feeling you want to attract into your life, such as "I am creative" or "I am successful." Write down your affirmations three times in the morning, six times throughout the day, and nine times before bed. Repeat this daily until your manifestations come true. You can use this method in addition to your morning journaling practice or write it in the notes app on your phone. The 369 manifesting technique is rooted in numerology, making it a great choice for the upcoming 1/11 portal.

UP NEXT: The Numerology of 2024 Is Universal ‘8 Year’ Full of Risks and Rewards.
