The Hidden Dangers in 'Healthy' Kids' Snacks


I have to admit, I actually feel like a better mom when I buy snacks for my kids in packages touting organic ingredients, real fruit juice and a year's supply of vitamins and minerals. "Healthy" snacks may well be a better choice than ultra-processed foods like chips and cookies, but just like all consumer products, they are packaged to sell. Don't be lulled into a false sense of confidence by phrases like "all natural", "organic" and "simply." I liken this to the trap my college roommates and I fell into the semester we all needed to drop 8 pounds. We ended up gaining 10. Fat Free foods were a new fad and we bought in ... hook, line and sinker. Instead of eating one or two delicious fat-filled cookies, we'd eat the whole fat-free box. Bad idea. The same goes for kids' snacks claiming to be healthy. While an organic chip may be healthier, you still shouldn't let them eat the whole bag.

Check out the slideshow above to learn about the unhealthy side of kids' snacks.

More from Kitchen Daily:
20 Healthy Foods that are Actually Unhealthy
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Expert Approved Karen Latimer
Expert Approved Karen Latimer
