Common Cooking Spice That May Prevent Foodborne Illness


One downside to being a foodie is the occasional instance of food poisoning from all that eating. It's plagued us all one time or another, and foodborne illness is actually pretty common, with one and 6 people getting sick every year.

Luckily, recent research suggests that cinnamon could be the secret to preventing it! A recent study published at Washington State University reveals that Cinnamomum cassia oil can double as a safe and natural way to kill several strains of E. coli bacteria.

"The oil can be incorporated into films and coatings for packaging both meat and fresh produce," Lina Sheng said in a press release. "It can also be added into the washing step of meat, fruits, or vegetables to eliminate microorganisms." This powerful oil is extremely effective in low doses; just ten drops mixed with a liter of water will kill the bacteria in 24 hours.

Could this be the end of food poisoning?

Check out the slideshow above to learn more about the benefits of cinnamon!
